Land Assemblies

A land assembly presents neighbouring homeowners with a unique opportunity to enhance the value of their properties by selling them together as a package to a Developer for redevelopment purposes. This collaborative approach yields a higher price compared to individual sales, particularly benefiting homeowners in Greater Vancouver with older homes or underutilized lots, thanks to the implementation of new zoning policies. As areas are rezoned to accommodate townhomes, 4–6 storey apartments, or high-rise developments, homeowners can capitalize on the potential for significant profit.

To ensure a successful land assembly, homeowners should adhere to some key tips. Firstly, it is crucial to determine an accurate price for the property based on a professional analysis of the market. This entails understanding the projected selling price of the finished product and deducting costs for construction, development, marketing, and profit. Secondly, it is important to approach the transaction with a business mindset and maintain emotional detachment. Homeowners should focus on the value of the land itself rather than sentimental attachments to their individual homes. Collaboration and fairness among homeowners are also essential to prevent conflicts arising from unequal expectations of compensation. Lastly, skillful negotiation of deal terms, including deposit amounts and completion/closing dates, plays a pivotal role in achieving the best possible outcome.

By following these guidelines and working closely with Keith Bowker and his team of professionals - homeowners can navigate the land assembly process successfully, maximize their profits, and set themselves up for a smooth transition to their next property.

Feel free to reach out to Keith Bowker directly at 604-368-4101 to further discuss.

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Keith Bowker

Phone: 604-368-4101

Office Info

Oakwyn Realty Ltd.

3195 Oak Street  Vancouver,  BC  V6H 2L2 

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